The Evolved MinuteClinic Persona
After analyzing the customer segments for 2021, we found that our target audience did not match to our user personas. Our main user persona, Sofia made up just 13% of the customers. Our secondary user persona was just 10%. As a result, in Summer of 2022, we created an evolved persona, now used across a 400 person design team.
Gathering information
First, we surveyed 100 people ages 18-34. We asked what steps they would take to get to: waiting for a provider to see you. The top 10 steps were generated in an analytics platform.
Next, we had 5 moderated interviews ages 18-34. We walked through each step, asking the interviewee to share their thoughts along the way. In some cases they added, removed, and rearranged steps to fit to their ideal expectations and preferences.
To synthesize the results, we turned the transcripts into sticky notes. We grouped like-stickies into different categories and later broke down the categories further.
Introducing Lucas
Based on our synthesized results, we created Lucas, our new persona. We decided to keep Lucas within the family of our main persona, Sofia, to paint the picture of how he fits into the brand.
We also determined which of the four brand archetypes Lucas falls into.
Finally, we summarized all of the synthesis results to determine his:
- Wants and needs
- Frustrations
- Expectations
- Behavioral patterns